Celebrating Textile Month – Los Angeles with Cindy Rinne, Madeline Arnault, Melanie Maria Ciccone, Misty Joseph, and Nicholette Kominos
September 12 – October 3, 2021
For private viewing or sales inquiries, please email: roswell.space@gmail.com All prices include sales tax.

Madeline Arnault
cotton, thread, beads
20” x 11 “ x 8”

Misty Joseph
repurposed thrift store materials

Misty Joseph
repurposed thrift store materials

On Being
Melanie Maria Ciccone
wax paper, tulle, bubble wrap, embroidery floss
29” x 12”

Insertions, Series 2, #1
Nicholette Kominos
acrylic, oil paint, silicon rubber, polyester batting, on panel
32” x 24” x 4”

Insertions, Series 1, #7
Nicholette Kominos
acrylic, canvas, fiberglass resin, on panel
32” x 24” x 4”

Insertions, Series 3, #1
Nicholette Kominos
acrylic, oil paint, modeling paste, canvas, silicon rubber, on panel
32” x 24” x 4”

Madeline Arnault
cotton, poly-fil, fabric paint
7” x 4” x 3.5”

Squared Off
Madeline Arnault
cotton, poly-fil, thread, fabric paint, beads
10.5” x 7” x 5”

Madeline Arnault
cotton, poly-fil, thread, fabric paint, beads
6.5” x 6” x 8”

Fleeting Life
Cindy Rinne
fiber art
30” x 30”

Melanie Maria Ciccone
recycled plastic, bird netting, silk sari rags, snaps, thread, measuring tape
60” x 26”

Melanie Maria Ciccone
organza scraps, recycled plastics, thread
10.5” x 14”

Melanie Maria Ciccone
organza scraps, recycled plastics, thread
8.5” x 8.5”

Fleeting Waters
Cindy Rinne
fiber art
32” x 17”

Melanie Maria Ciccone
organza scraps, recycled plastics, thread
11” x 6.5”

Little Mystery
Melanie Maria Ciccone
parchment, cellophane, tulle, bubble wrap, silk sari threads, lint paper
34” x 24”

Fleeting Thoughts
Cindy Rinne
costume sculpture
41” x 22”

Assemblage Growth
Madeline Arnault
cotton, poly-fil, thread, fabric paint, beads
16” x 12” x 10”

Sea Creature
Madeline Arnault
cotton, poly-fil, thread, beads
10” x 15” x 13”

Fleeting Glance
Cindy Rinne
fiber art
9” x 19”

Fleeting Rhino Species
Cindy Rinne
fiber art
10” x 12”

Untitled #6 (Embroidery)
Madeline Arnault
muslin, thread, wool batting
20” X 20”

Untitled #1 (Embroidery)
Madeline Arnault
muslin, thread, wool batting
20” X 20”

Untitled #3 (Embroidery)
Madeline Arnault
muslin, thread, wool batting
20” X 20”

Untitled #2 (Embroidery)
Madeline Arnault
muslin, thread, wool batting
20” X 20”

Kind of Blue
Melanie Maria Ciccone
produce netting, bird netting, fisherman’s rope, recycled plastics, printed coffee bags, tulle, butcher paper, thread
56” x 30”

Untitled, Bronze with Polyester Pipe Cleaners
Nicholette Kominos
bronze, cast bronze, polyester
38” x 4” x 9.5”

Misty Joseph
repurposed thrift store materials
variable (10″ seated)

Misty Joseph
repurposed thrift store materials
variable (10″ seated)

Fleeting Undoing
Cindy Rinne
fiber art
11″ x 11″ framed

Misty Joseph
repurposed thrift store materials
variable (10″ seated)

Misty Joseph
repurposed thrift store materials
variable (10″ seated)

Misty Joseph
repurposed thrift store materials
variable (10″ seated)

Misty Joseph
repurposed thrift store materials
variable (10″ seated)

Misty Joseph
repurposed thrift store materials
variable (10″ seated)

Misty Joseph
repurposed thrift store materials
variable (10″ seated)

jonna lee
hair, stone, pin
6″ x 2″ x 1.5″